
Comments (4)

What do you think?

bro this game is actualy scary

game legend

shrek chases you without stop, thinking about maybe making the map indoors instead of a forest #horror #shrek

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

also, the jumpscare is bugged to where there are no sound at all, if you die, just press alt + f4 to close the game because bringing you back to the menu just doesn't seem to work

another thing: there are no objectives in the game currently, i am working on it

IMPORTANT: if you're playing this and notice there aren't any start or quit buttons, they are there, but they won't show up, just press the middle of the screen to start

or just press shrek

game is currently somewhat broken, working on getting the menu back up


new main menu.

woking on:

indoors map instead of trash forest

this is my first ever game, so im sorry if you find it lacking or bad, i will try improving it later, or making a better game further down the line.

so, if you think this game can be improved or if you like it as it is, consider dropping a like :)